Stockstak Online Blog | Tips for Efficient Restaurant Inventory Management

The Core Features of Restaurant Management Software Every Owner Should Know

Written by Team STO | Oct 11, 2024 5:34:04 AM

Running a restaurant used to be so much easier, didn't it? A busy kitchen, loyal customers, and a stack of handwritten orders were the heart of the operation. But evolution within the restaurant industry brings more complexities in the way of managing a modern experience.

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Today's restaurants face far more than just good food and service: they must operate complex systems of reservation systems, orders, inventory, staff schedules, and customer preferences. So how do you keep up?

25% of restaurants fail within their first year due to poor management. You don’t want to be a part of that 25%.

That is when restaurant management software comes into the picture. It kind of acts as the conductor of your culinary symphony. Be it a fine dining restaurant, QSR, or a quaint café, this software is crafted to streamline operations, simplify tasks, and increase efficiency. Here in this guide, we have broken down what restaurant management software is, why it is important, and how you can choose the right one for your business.



What is Restaurant Management Software?

First things first: what is restaurant management software, exactly? Picture this: a toolbelt for the restaurant owner. An integrated system designed to take care of all those day-to-day restaurant processes - your personal assistant, minus the breaks in between. 

Using restaurant management software can reduce inventory waste by 20%. Which is a gree flag on its own.

The software might basically help you integrate some tools: a point of sale (POS) system, inventory management, employee scheduling and even customer relationship management (CRM). The core aim is to facilitate your life by automating tasks, keeping everything accurate, and ensuring everything gets to be organised. 

How does holding a dozen eggs seem like by a single person? Restaurant management software is the tray that keeps those eggs from hitting the floor.



Basic Ingredients of Restaurant Management Software

Now, let us talk about what it is within this software that makes it so valuable. The types of restaurant management app you need to know about before investing.

Point of Sale System

Inventory management for restaurants needs a well in line POS system for restaurants. It is how the order is processed, the payments are taken, and the receipts are printed. And much more than a glorified cash register today: nowadays, even POS systems deal with contactless payment, split bills, or direct orders to the kitchen. Fancy latte with that? Tap one button, and voila.

Inventory Management

Running low on avocados for that famous guacamole? Nightmare for anyone in the industry. Inventory management features help you track what is in the pantry in real time so that you always know what is there. It can also inform you when the stock is running low or when it is time to reorder with your suppliers. Last-minute supermarket visits are not something you will look forward to!

Employee Management

It is almost like trying to complete a jigsaw puzzle without knowing what the finished picture will look like. With restaurant software solutions, you can automate much of the employee scheduling process, track hours worked, and even manage payroll. You will never again have to scribble schedules on the back of a napkin or wonder why your employee "forgot" they had a shift, because these will be automatically updated.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Did you know 60% of restaurateurs report an increase in customer satisfaction after implementing CRM software? Knowing the customer is knowing them well enough to gain their loyalty. CRM capabilities allow for tracking of data and preferences of customers and monitoring their loyalty programs. Did Mrs Smith always get a vegetarian option and a glass of Merlot? Your restaurant CRM software will remember that, and her next visit will be all the more personalised.

Reporting and Analytic

As numbers do not lie, they can be pretty tough to interpret without the right tools. Reporting and analytics features include sales performance and customer behaviour insights, even if employee efficiency has to be added to the checklist. Want to know what dish is flying off the shelf? Or how much revenue you had over last Friday? It has those answers too. Also not to forget daily reports which reduce discrepancies.



Benefits of Restaurant Management System

So, why would you invest in restaurant management systems? What is in it for you beyond not having to deal with fewer headaches? What is the best restaurant management tool for you?

More Efficiency: It saves time by streamlining the process, cutting tedious details, and lets you go for what counts: good service and good food.

Greater Accuracy: Down-to-order and stock management, this software minimises human errors. No more mistakes in preparation or surprise ingredient shortcomings!

Better Customer Satisfaction: Satisfaction of customers will be increased by personalisation and shortened turnaround times. Satisfied customers will continue to come back to you for it.

Improved Decisions: With such a detailed report that the software generates, you would make informed menu changes, staffing etc.

Cost Savings: Efficient control of stocks management for restaurants, as well as labourers, results in less wasteful expenditure that goes on improving your bottom line. 



Types of Restaurant Management System

Not all restaurant software integration is the same. You have numerous options, each created to address a different need.

Cloud-Based vs. On-Premise Solution

Cloud-based systems increase operational flexibility by 45% compared to traditional on-premise software.

Which is entirely web-based, works online and is therefore accessible anywhere in the world. Perfect, for restaurateurs with actively mobile lifestyles. On-premise is hosted locally, offering more control to administrators, but a lot less flexibility. Overall, in today's modern world, the preferred one is usually: cloud-based solutions. Who would not want to check sales figures while lounging by the pool, after all?

All-in-One Systems vs. Modular Software

Some software is an all-in-one deal, so every feature you might possibly need is bundled into one package; other types are modular, so you can pick and choose what features you want. It is a little like the pizza where you can choose an already crafted one or select a few ingredients of your choice.

Industry-Specific Solution

Different restaurants require different functionalities. For example, QSR requires fast order processing, while fine dining might require more advanced customer relationship functionalities. Some solution software is designed to meet such restaurant types.



How to choose the perfect restaurant management software

Choosing the right software could be so daunting. Automated procurement processes can cut manual errors by up to 30%. Here is how to narrow it down:

Assess Your Needs: Which are the most critical pain points in your restaurant? Do you need help with managing stock, staff, or customer data?

Consider Scalability: Is your restaurant growing? Then you will want a scalable software with features or even greater capacity when you grow your business.

Ease of Use: Nobody wants to waste weeks trying to figure out a new software. Such should be intuitive and easy to implement.

Budget: It may have all those add-ons, but also the price match. Create a budget for how much you are willing to spend and balance that with the return on investment you will be seeing with the software.

Read Reviews: What other restaurateurs are saying is important. Reviews and recommendations can save you from costly mistakes and ensure you find a system that works. 



Implementation and Training

And once you have the software, implementation is not that daunting. Restaurants that optimise inventory management see an average cost savings of 4-6% per year which can add up to your profit margin improvement.

Steps for Implementation: First of all, you need to have a smooth plan. Set up your system during a quiet period, such as a Monday morning before the rush. Integrate it into your other hardware if necessary, and make sure everything runs smoothly.

Training Staff: No matter how fantastic the software is, if your staff are not adequately trained in its use, it will fail. Provide sufficient training and allow staff to become as comfortable as possible with the system before going live.

Ongoing Support: With a great software provider, there should be ongoing support, troubleshooting, and updates. Do not hesitate to make a call if it is not doing what you hoped it would do!




It is the key to running an efficient, profitable, and customer-focused restaurant. And with the right software, there are fewer sleepless nights, smoother operations, and, ultimately, more time to do what you do best: create unforgettable dining experiences.

Contactless payments have risen by 200% in restaurants since 2020 which means that tech is taking over!

Looking for ways to optimise your business? Take your restaurant's profits to the next level with effective restaurant management. If you run a QSR, fine dining location, or a busy café, knowing which restaurant system options are available for you is an excellent first step. 

85% of successful restaurants today use some form of restaurant management software to improve their bottom line.

Are you seeking an expert recommendation? StockTake Online provides best-in-class solutions for POS, inventory management, and more. We work on big chain and franchise management software, fine dine inventory, quick services, and cloud kitchen management. If you want to open a cloud kitchen we have the right blog for you. Read here. Book a free live demo today and see how we can help smooth out the operations of your restaurant!